Kamis, 24 November 2011


World of higher education are required to continuously improve its quality. Through quality education that will tested and prove its existence. STKIP Darul Husna Bima very understanding and aware of it. In the midst of the intensity changes and the dynamics of the current environment, the University has committed to invest in quality of education. Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) 2011-2016 is a commitment and implementation of quality improvement in signs leadership, relevancy, academic atmosphere, internal management, sustainability and efficiency. Strategic Plan 2011-2016 is the reference standard for the implementation of strategic and STKIP Darul Husna Bima Milky fundamental rules in order to complement other devices, such as the Statute of 2011 or 2011 Organization and Administration of Bima STKIP Darul Husna. Naturally, this Strategic Plan to reference all work units to run the activity. Bima, July 2011 Chairman, Drs. H. M. Ali H. Abdullah, M. Pd

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